“Ovaries: Talk about them.” features the stories of four inspiring women and their personal experiences with ovarian cancer. There is no early detection test for ovarian cancer, even though it is the deadliest female cancer.
Director: Selina Miles @selinamiles
Executive Producer: Adrian Shapiro @Adrian_awesome
Associate Executive Producer: Morgan Benson-Taylor @morganchelseabensontaylor
Producer: Tessa Simpson @tess_s
DOP: Max Walter @maxwellwalter
1st AC: Dylan Jeffrey@dylan_jeffrey93
2nd AC: Jonah Maclaughlan
Gaffer: Scott Heldorf @scottheldorf
Sound Recordist: Lara Cross
H&M/UP: Millicent Ofori
Stylist: Liz Hoffman @lizhoffmann
Stylist: Linda Jordan
Runner: Sarah Marcuson @sarahmarcuson
Editor: Selina Miles
Associate Editor: Gemma De Maria @gemmade
Colourist: Marcus Friedlander @Marcus.friedlander
Sound: Sonar Music @sonarmusicofficial
Special thanks to Room for More Studio @roomformore.studio
and Alchemix Studios @alchemixstudios