Introducing Studio A via 5 of our artists, Mathew Calandra, Jaycee Kim, Catherine McGuiness, Meagan Pelham and Thom Roberts.
Creative Director: Amelia Bowe
Director and Photographer: Cybele Malinowski
Director of Photography: Selina Miles
B-Cam, Photographer & Studio Manager: Scott Heldorf
Photography Assistant: Hannah Meldrum
Cinematography & Photography Assistant at Bus Stop Films: Ronan Soussa
Production & Lighting Assistant at Bus Stop Films: Shay Bell
Stylist: Mon Moynihan
Hair & Makeup Artist: Yen Hoang
Hair & Makeup Assistant: Max Serrano
Sound Technician: Dan Clarke
Editor: Lucas Conway
Colour Grade: Peachy Keen Colour
Sound Mix & Music: Oly Sherman
Retouching: Justin Malinowski